Hearts are as fragile as glass
Welcome to the fanlisting for the character Victor Nikiforov from the anime series Yuri!!! on Ice, listed at The Anime Fanlistings Network. If you're a fan of this character, please consider joining and adding yourself to the list.
Victor is a well-renowned figure skater in the industry and a champion of many competitions, as well as a personal idol for the main protagonist, Katsuki Yuuri. As one of the main characters in the series, Victor sets himself as Katsuki Yuuri's coach in the latter's attempt at winning the Grand Prix. He serves as both a motivation for Yuuri's figure skating and romantic interest as the series progresses.
Last updated on 04 Feb 2025 with 29 (+0) members. Powered by Enthusiast.
What is a Fanlisting?
A fanlisting is a small site that collects a list of fans for a particular subject. Anime and manga related subjects are listed and regulated under The Anime Fanlistings Network and everything else falls under the control of The Fanlistings Network.